Update: 09/11/2016

Last year - this brilliant, kind man made his way into our life. We were sitting in the PICU and in he came barging into our tiny little room with confidence, compassion and knowledge.

He quickly became our "quarterback" and was the go-to for many of the different teams we were working with as we scrambled through diagnosis to see what was happening with our baby...

He was the first one to say to us: "My belief is Brodie has what is called Biliary Atresia - the surgery will confirm this."

He also was the one to take the wind out of my sails: "Brodie is too old for Kasai (which is the other option for babies with Biliary Atresia) - Liver Transplantation is the only solution."

He brought me back by telling me: "There is such thing as living donor transplantation and the Cleveland Clinic is a pioneer in the nation for this."

I sucked up and held on to every word he said - my little notebook and pen furiously trying to capture every word (so I could google it when he walked out). I am pretty sure there was a point where he was thinking "seriously" I need to spell this word one more time :P but he never let on Side note - I think my notebook contains art work, words and thoughts from "Dr. Krishnan" he has spent so much time with us.

He started off as our Dr. and has quickly become part of our Tigue Tribe and Brodie's Good Vibe Tribe - like one of the family. He is a healer, fixer, scientist, doctor, philosopher and most importantly our very important kind friend. Please meet Dr. Radahkrishnan.

If you have a child in your life that has Gastrointestinal challenges do not hesitate to reach out to the team at Cleveland Clinic Children's they are nothing short of amazing.

#DOnateLIFE #sliverofliver #brodiesgoodvibetribe #biliaryatresiawarrior#TIGUEtough #give2live #BGVT #thegoodstuff